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From: Gourmet Cooking
Subject: Got Onions?
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No More Tears in the Kitchen

For those who love to add onions to every recipe they make, but hate the crying and burning that is associated with chopping onions, here is some relief. Onion Goggles! Yes, Onion Goggles that fit comfortably over your eyes — similar to swimming goggles but without the painful strap — so that you can say goodbye to onion tears forever! These ingenious onion goggles prevent you from tearing up while chopping, slicing, dicing, and mincing your onions. The super comfortable foam creates a seal to keep out the vapors that cause irritation and the anti-fog lenses keep your vision clear.

Get your Onion Goggles Now! Click Here!

Say goodbye to tearing, stinging, irritated eyes when chopping, mincing, dicing and slicing onions and their close cousins: shallots, leeks, and scallions. Wearing the stylish and comfortable Onion Goggles will protect the eyes from irritating onion vapors. The soft foam seal keeps out the nasty onion vapors. When onions are cut, an enzyme called sulfoxide lyase and sulfuric compounds are released from the broken cells. When exposed to air, they react with one another to form a vapor. As this vapor evaporates, it irritates our eyes and causes us to cry. With these patented onion cutting glasses, you won’t ever have to worry about stinging eyes or awkward kitchen crying again. The onion glasses frames are lined with a comfortable foam seal so that no nasty onion vapors eek through.

Get your Onion Goggles Now! Click Here!


Don’t Cry Over Chopped Onions! Which old wives tale have you tried to stop the tears and runny nose that accompany preparing onions for a recipe: burning candles, holding a lit match between your teeth, breathing through your mouth? When all else has failed, succeed with these Onion Goggles, which have a comfortable foam seal that protects one's eyes from irritating onion vapors. Their hip design may result in a few giggles but you’ll have the last laugh. So if you’re one of those folks who can’t get near an onion without tearing up, stop chewing gum while you chop or trying to mince your onion under water. Strap on a pair of these onion cutting goggles and start slicing and dicing like a Pro Chef!

Cooking dinner shouldn’t reduce you to tears.

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Gourmet Cooking, 1035 E Vista Way Ste 194, Vista, CA 92084-4604, 1-888-528-8486, +1-707-633-3333.