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From: Seed Stones
Subject: Plants That Grow In The Dark
Landing: 568

Exclusive Offer
Bring beautiful blooming flowers that thrive in the shade!
Exclusive Offer - Click Here!

Celebrate the Beauty of Nature!

Plants love sunlight like humans love a good meal. Most garden annuals need at least 6 hours of sun per day for nourishment. No plants can grow in darkness, but fortunately, like humans, different plants have different diets and some are fairly modest. Where do you start?

Think you need special soil or even expensive materials to get something to grow? Think again! Introducing Shade Mix Seed Stones! They bring beautiful, blooming, bountiful flowers actually THRIVE in the the shade season after season! Place a Seed Stone in soil and watch as it transforms a once grey and unloved patch of land into something beautiful and unique. GET IT NOW!

These are a great gift for anyone, including yourself! The secret is in the artisanal clay that protects the seed from predators and helps retain moisture to ensure sprouting–a perfect combination!
Get your Shade Mix Seed Stones Now! Click Here!

Gardeners with a shady corner of yard or a porch in a tree's line of shadow – don't despair! Shade has a place in the garden.

Exclusive Limited-Time Offer - Click Here!
*Other terms apply. See Terms and Conditions on Site for details. Gourmet Cooking, 1035 E Vista Way Ste 194, Vista, CA 92084-4604, 1-888-528-8486, +1-707-633-3333.